Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Holiday and a Wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends!

Just a few days to be pay attention to all we have to be thankful for..........

There are many who do not share in the abundance.  Give a moment to think of those in the path of Sandy this past month.  How about those who went to bed hungry just last night?  There are million across the globe who continue to be in wars and conflicts.  The deaths from hunger and illness continue to mount.

Not everyone traveled to grandma's yesterday. Because we did or at least able to we need to be thankful.  In the midst of plenty it is its own shame that some are starving and do not have adequate shelter.  So many illnesses go untreated and lives are lost.  The myth of the overflowing table of food makes for good time-out football commercials.  Only if this were true in this land.

Have a wonderful break and great times with family and friends.  We do have much for which to be thankful.

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