Sunday, November 25, 2012

School Dances Should Be Fun

Always a question about why do schools have dances?   I suppose the same question is why do they have sports and other non-academic activities ?  In many countries those other activities are outside the school structure and part of a club or social organization.

I am a strong believer in the worth of sports, clubs, the arts and other activities as a part of the school experience.  Those activities are leadership opportunities, the builders of community and examples of hard work and effort within a team environment with common cause.

However, these are school activities. They reflect the mission and purpose of the school.  Regardless of the school I am going to assume that the school's purpose is to empower young people to become leaders and productive adults.  To learn to be responsible one has to be given responsibility.  In order to learn leadership one has to have the opportunity to be a leader.  I think school and the various activities can do that.

However, the school still controls the activities.   There are reasonable and responsible behaviors that are all part of the activity.  If students - male or female- are uncomfortable with some behaviors, those behaviors need to be corrected and/or eliminated.  The bump and grind does not have a place in a high school event.

Southwest National Honor Society is the sponsor of this Friday's dance.  In keeping with character and leadership, NHS is making it clear early that the dance will be fun for all who are interested in demonstrating appropriate behaviors.   I suggest you have a conversation with your son/daughter.  Is she/he going to support NHS and fun dances?  What behaviors does your son/daughter expect at school dances?

School events should be fun for students. 

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