Wednesday, May 5, 2010

And so it is May

Maycomes in like a lion every year around here. This is the month of AP and IB exams. If it stands still we are going to test it some way. Juniors and Seniors tire quickly of the various days of testing while still involved in day to day classes.

The 9th and 10th, not directly involved, get caught up the general mood. For many that is a mood that this is the beginning of the end. So we get a bit excited and a bit silly. School still tries to move on in some routine but that is continually broken by this test or that. Two kids are gone today and 15 tomorrow.

Yes, we still have regular school and everyone is schedule to be here and in class each day and each period. But reality is that for some, the testing days take their toil and it makes for a strange set of days.

And we still have a few to go.

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