Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What a beautiful day!

Who in his/her right mind would want to be in a building on a day like today if there was a choice? I will let you think about that for a second.

For the junior and seniors there are some options Lunch is out in the sun. Many have tests scattered between the school and two churches. Some might even find ways to manipulate the system and show up late or maybe miss a few. Now I am not saying that is what your son or daughter is doing but there might be some who do.

But if you are 9th or 10th graders you are stuck. Yes, we make the attempt to have a regular school day even if the sun is shining. Yes, school is in session and kids are expected to attend classes, do school work and even some homework. But it is tough.

So, we fuss and encourage a little quicker movement to classes and a little less attention to that wonderful person of your heart's delight. So you will hear stories of us being grumpy or mean or not understanding or cross. Well they might be true. For the next three weeks we continue to try and educate the leaders of tomorrow while they are behaving like 6th graders.

It is an interesting process which I am sure you remember. Please be understanding also. We want regular attendance. Dressing for the beach is not a good idea. Senior skip day is not a school function. 9th graders do not have days off for adult behavior. That does not mean we don't understand the heat and the need to be a kid. But it also doesn't mean that the have to be horrible days.

Let's have some good memories.

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