Monday, May 31, 2010

Toughest days of the school year

The next three end up being about the toughest days of the school year. Tuesday and Wednesday are senior finals and Wednesday is the last official school day for the class of 2010. Thursday they have to return for graduation practice but that really doesn't count.

I think it is important to celebrate and enjoy the moment. It does happen only once. Senior awards are Tuesday evening and we want to say lots of good things about lots of seniors. They deserve all the accolades we can pour on. They worked hard. This has been a good group of students. They are caring and supportive of one another. So far we have not lost anyone and it has been a series of good fortune and great successes.

At the same time they are kids. They just don't think it completely through sometimes. What sounds like fun in the middle of the night just doesn't play out that well the next day. What might be fun for a group of six or seven is not the same event in the middle of`two thousand. What some can control and handle reasonably well, some others have not made it that far and it gets out of hand quickly.

So we try to enjoy the hours and understand the enthusiasm. But we also attempt to keep everyone safe and maintain reasonable security. It is always sad to see them on their way. It is an important part of life. We rejoice with them and hope for their continued safety and well being. Another year has made it course. I trust all of us can say we did our best.

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