Monday, May 10, 2010

Teacher Bashing

Well the season is in full swing. Let's see how many ways we can say that if they would only teach my kid right, all would be well with the world. Interesting concept. Unlike fixing a flat tire, you just can't do it to the subject and all is perfect. A tire gets a nail in it. It deflates. You take it to the shop, pull the tire, remove the nail, patch and inflate. Assuming some other factors are in place the tire is repaired and off you go.

But let's say you're slightly (OK so not so slightly) overweight. You go to your local gym - or doctor and say - "Fix it." Using the tire analogy I guess the trainer or doctor could poke you with a pin and deflate your spare tire and off you go -- "fixed." Now you know that being over weight is a little more involved then that.

Let's suppose the trainer at the gym puts out an excellent weight reduction program. Shows you diagrams and pictures of exactly what it is all suppose to look like. Provides you with step by step instructions on how to get from where you are to where you want to be. Walks you through each exercise in small steps appropriate to your skill and strengths. Moves slowly through your monthly menus and food consumption needs.

To celebrate your new life style you stop by the ice cream shop on the way home and have your favorite daily double super sized.

The fact that you are not losing weight is obviously the gym trainers fault. Or maybe the owner of the gym since he/she hires a trainer so useless. If the trainer was doing her/his job properly you would be down to your swim suit size almost over night.

Maybe that is too simple of an example. But I think perhaps you get the point. When we don't want to face the real issues we go after something. After all it has to be someone else's fault.

If you had (or have) a teacher that you think is doing a decent job and not worthy of all this bashing for the sake of changing the focus - drop an email and just say so.

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