Monday, February 11, 2013

Q & A About the March 19 ACT

Here is your second email containing information on the March 19th Junior ACT exam at SWHS.  I have included answers to some common questions we have been receiving:


Is the test during school hours?

The test will be during school hours from about 8:45-12:15. Much like the PSAT and PLAN.


I have heard that it does not include the writing portion...correct?

This test does not include writing due to variables. However, this is a free actual ACT. One of the goals is to give all juniors the opportunity to take the ACT in a comfortable and familiar environment to help you reach your college goals.

We encourage and the average SW student will retake the ACT again at least 2 or 3 times so the writing will get completed if you need it. Make sure you register for the April and/or June ACT at or SAT at


Do I need to register for the March test?

No, as a student you are pre-registered for the free March 19th ACT. However, You will need to register yourself for additional ACT or SAT tests online.


Will my March 19th ACT scores count?

Yes, this is a real ACT. We strongly encourage students to review at least 4 academic target colleges you are thinking about applying to as a senior. You will be sending your scores to those 4 colleges. Remember, any time you take an ACT, take advantage of sending 4 colleges your scores for free!! Any scores after that will cost you the student $11 per additional college. This can add up to a lot of money.


What is your suggestion for test prep?

The following are options for test prep:

1 .Free online test prep in Naviance called “Prep Me” (right hand side on the main page) Could work in small groups at a coffee shop or on your own if preferred

2 .ACT website has questions and resources for students 3. ACT books in the CCC 4. The after school ACT test prep workshops if you signed up and paid for it. Classes begin Feb 12th for those of you that pursued this option. If you did not sign up for this class you will need to explore one of the other options listed above as the classes are full.


How much of school will I miss?

There is no need to worry about classes being missed because the counseling and CCC team are working with teachers for a game plan so students can focus on the ACT and not missing class or work!


Any further questions...please contact your counselor.

George Mountin

Counselor (L-Q)

Southwest High School

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