Thursday, October 14, 2010

Approaching first mid-term

We are seven weeks into the school year. We had a great start and we enjoyed that so much at Southwest we started again after three weeks. But we are now four weeks or seven weeks completely into the school year. Things have settled down and the routine and management of school, activities and time should be developed. How is your student doing in his/her classes? You really should kind of know the answer to the question.

No, you do not need to spend hours on the parent portals. A look once in awhile may be confirming or alarming. Talking to your student gives you some ideas. Is she/he complaining about homework or do you see evidence of school work from time to time. Is your student bringing home a next book or novel? Is he/she going online for the textbook (we have several online) or checking the teacher's website for an extra look at class notes? All of those are indications that some school work is happening. If you seen or heard no evidence of any of that then there is a problem. Email the teacher. Call and make an appointment to talk before or after school. Check the parent portal.

We know how your child is doing ink school. Do you?

If you have trouble getting to the parent portal call the school and ask for Ryan Moe or Mike Ries. If there is nothing on the parent portal call the school and leave message for Dr. Smith. If you have questions about attendance ask for attendance clerk. If you need an appointment with a teacher call the school and request time to talk with teacher.

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