Thursday, October 7, 2010

Homecoming continues

One of our darling children by him/herself can be an angel or other wonderful, perfect image of the child we knew would have to support us in our old age.

Put two of them together and they start to demonstrate rather odd behaviors that question their common sense. Add a third and you now know that there was a crib switch at birth. By the time you have four in a group you have about the common sense of a delightful, playful golden retriever but without survival instinct. A group of children will do thing that one would never do on a thousand bets.

Well, that is Homecoming week multiplied by 1,750. They can become very silly. Yes, your absolutely brilliant child who is having long talks about independence and going Ivy League and wondering if a year wandering the world makes sense for his/her future is using a marker and marking all over each other in the name of fun. That was yesterday's definition of "Let's enjoy Homecoming."

So if your child came home last night with shadows of various colors, mainly blue, green and red -- well you probably want to talk to your insurance agent about this weekend' coverage and exactly what is covered and for how much. When we get silly, we also excel.

Under the sea was interesting. Some very creative costumes. Wednesday with favorite colors was not as successful. It didn't help that we conducted our first Link Crew - 9th grade mixer and changed lunches and it was a beautiful day outside. So we will see what Thursday brings.

Homecoming week is fun?

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